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Life saving care by our hero dentist at Killingworth!

Dentist Oluwafunmilayo Akinbola, who works at {my}dentist Killingworth, recently helped to save the life of one of her patients.

Oluwafunmilayo, known by everyone as Funmi, had an appointment with a patient in December 2019. The patient contacted the practice about her daughter's brace and during the conversation, mentioned that she was also having dental issues with some pain in her jaw.

The patient was booked in to see Fumni, which ended in a referral to the dental hospital. The referral was rejected but Funmi was asked to refer the patient to the neurology department, which she did.

The patient contacted the practice this week, to express her gratitude to Fumni and the team as the pain she was experiencing turned out to be a brain tumour. The patient has now recovered and said Funmi had saved her life, as her GP had dismissed her pain and concern and had she not seen Funmi the outcome could've been a lot worse.

Paul Mead, Area Development Manager for Tyne, Northumbria and Cumbria, said, "Funmi's hunch has saved this patients life – it makes me so proud to have her in our team. Well done Funmi!"

Practice Manager, Sara Cooper, added, "Well done Funmi I'm very proud of you!"

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