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Inlays and onlays

What exactly are inlays and onlays?

An inlay restores the natural shape, function and appearance of your tooth. It is placed into the tooth cavity, prepared by your dentist following decay, or the removal of an old filling.

An onlay is similar to an inlay except it covers the biting surface of the tooth. In many cases, both an inlay and an onlay are used, thereby protecting the tooth without removing as much of the remaining structure as a crown or bridge would.

Why choose inlays or onlays?

  • They're ideal for reconstructing the shape of your tooth.
  • They create a more natural biting shape than a filling
  • They remove less natural tooth structure than a crown.

Are inlays and onlays safe?

Generally, this is a safe procedure. In fact, there is considerably less preparation involved when compared to a crown or bridge treatment. The likelihood of any nerve damage, therefore, is extremely unlikely.

How do I look after my inlay/onlay?

You should continue to brush your teeth thoroughly using fluoride toothpaste and also follow the care regime your dentist advises. Although your inlay/onlay can't actually decay, the adjacent tooth structure can be eroded - which could potentially lead to the loss of the tooth. It is important, therefore, to maintain good oral hygiene on a daily basis.

Did you know?Dental porcelain is fired in a kiln at around 900 degrees c. creating a material that is incredibly strong but also very natural looking.