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Inhalation sedation

What exactly is inhalation sedation?

Sedation is a form of anxiety control to make treatment more pleasant for you. It offers a modern alternative to general anaesthesia for most dental procedures.

You or your child can be made to feel more relaxed by 'relative analgesia' (known as 'inhalation sedation'). This means breathing in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen ('gas and air'), which quickly leads to a pleasant and calm feeling.

Our dental team will put you at ease by talking softly and explaining the process to you in full. Although you may feel a little drowsy, you will stay conscious at all times.

Inhalation sedation can help if:

  • You're particularly nervous about pain during a dental treatment
  • You want to feel more relaxed during your visit to the dentist
  • Your child requires some 'happy air' to help them stay relaxed during treatment

Why choose inhalation sedation?

  • It's very effective
  • It is a very comfortable experience - you simply breathe in through a nosepiece
  • It is completely safe. You can't overdose on gas and air.
  • There are no after-effects - you can drive home after about 15 minutes (although we recommend you have somebody to accompany you).

Is inhalation sedation safe?

Yes. When performed by expert dentists like ourselves, this procedure is completely safe. The gas and air mixture quickly leaves the body as soon as you breathe in one or two breaths of ordinary air. There are also no adverse after-effects to worry about.

What about children?

Of course, you want your child to be as happy and calm as possible during any dental treatment. That's why we will recommend inhalation sedation in some cases. The 'happy air' they inhale through the small nosepiece will make them feel warm, relaxed and at ease. (It may even make them giggle.) Whilst your child may feel sleepy, they will not go to sleep. Obviously, this is a much safer alternative to general anaesthetic.

Does it cost more to have inhalation sedation?

Charges depend on the treatment required - unless you're under 18 years' old or otherwise exempt from NHS charges.

Did you know?In 1846, a dentist named William T.G. Morton gave a sulphur-ether compound to a patient about to have oral surgery at Harvard University. The patient subsequently experienced minimal pain and this served as the origin for anesthetic dentistry.

IV sedation

What exactly is IV sedation?

Sedation is a form of anxiety control to make treatment more pleasant for you. It offers a modern alternative to general anaesthesia for most dental procedures. Intravenous (or 'IV') sedation is given by injection, either in the back of your hand or in your arm. The dose we give you will depend on the treatment you need and the time it will take to complete.

Our dental team will put you at ease by talking softly and explaining the process to you in full. Although you may feel a little drowsy, you will stay conscious at all times.

Why choose IV sedation?

  • It's very effective
  • It's a very comfortable experience - you're simply given an injection in the arm or back of your hand
  • It's a safe option - suitable for the vast majority of adults
  • Whilst you will be drowsy, you will still be capable of co-operating with the dentist
  • You won't feel any pain during treatment.

Is IV sedation safe?

Yes. When performed by expert dental professionals like ourselves, this procedure is regarded as safe for most people over the age of 12. However, patients with complex medical problems or unstable medical conditions may not be suitable for treatment under IV sedation.

Does it cost more to have IV sedation?

Charges depend on the treatment required - unless you're under 18 years' old or otherwise exempt from NHS charges.

Please note: Sedation treatments are only available at select practices.