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Inman Aligner

Inman Aligner™ Braces

What are Inman Aligner™ braces?

The Inman Aligner is a simple removable appliance used to align front teeth quickly and safely – a perfect solution for crowding or protrusion of the front teeth. It's ideal as a standalone treatment or to prealign teeth prior to further cosmetic options such as bonding or minimal veneers. Most cases complete in 6-18 weeks and because it's removable you can take it out to fit with your lifestyle.

How do Inman Aligner™ braces work?

The Inman Aligner has Nickel Titanium coil springs that power two aligner bows that gently oppose each other, guiding the teeth into their new position. These gentle forces are active over a very large range of movement, which is why the Inman Aligner works so quickly.

The video shows the squeeze effect of the two aligner bows on the front teeth. The inner bow pushes forwards, while the outer bow pulls back on the front teeth.

How Inman Aligner braces work

How long is the treatment with the Inman Aligner?

Most cases are completed within 6-18 weeks. Your Inman Aligner dentist will give you a realistic guide of what to expect.

What's involved in Treatment with the Inman Aligner?

  • Our certified dentists will determine if the Inman Aligner is suitable for you
  • Impressions are needed so that the lab can fabricate your custom made Inman Aligner
  • Initial fitting of the Aligner
  • Wear the Aligner 16-20 hours a day
  • Regular Inman checks every 2-3 weeks.
  • As with other orthodontic treatment, after treatment is completed with the Inman Aligner, retention is recommended for life to prevent relapse. Retention can come in the form of a lingually bonded retainer or an Essix retainer.

What's involved in Treatment with the Inman Aligner?

  • Our certified dentists will determine if the Inman Aligner is suitable for you
  • Impressions are needed so that the lab can fabricate your custom made Inman Aligner
  • Initial fitting of the Aligner
  • Wear the Aligner 16-20 hours a day
  • Regular Inman checks every 2-3 weeks.
  • As with other orthodontic treatment, after treatment is completed with the Inman Aligner, retention is recommended for life to prevent relapse. Retention can come in the form of a lingually bonded retainer or an Essix retainer.

Frequently asked questions

Is it comfortable?

As with any orthodontic appliance, the Aligner can feel a little uncomfortable for the first few days. After a week, most patients are used to their Aligner and have no problems wearing it.

Will it affect my speech?

The Inman Aligner will affect your speech for a week or two. You will however acclimate to the appliances over time and be able to speak fine with them in place.

How often do you have to wear it?

It should always be removed before eating and you should clean your teeth and your Aligner before you refit it back into your mouth. It is okay to take your aligner out for photos, special occasions and eating as long as this is not for longer than a few hours.

Will I need a retainer?

Yes. All orthodontic treatment needs to be retained or will run the risk of relapse and Inman Aligner treatment is no different in this respect.

How long does the treatment take?

Cases vary depending on the degree of crowding and level of compliance but most cases are completed in 6-18 weeks.