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{my}dentist celebrates ninth consecutive RoSPA Gold Medal

The health and safety team at {my}dentist is celebrating after winning an internationally recognised award for health and safety performance from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).

They have been awarded with the Gold Medal for the ninth consecutive year, recognising our commitment to safety standards across our practices.

The RoSPA Health and Safety Awards is the largest occupational health and safety awards programme in the UK. Now into its 67th year, the awards have almost 2,000 entries every year, covering nearly 50 countries and a reach of over seven million employees. The programme recognises organisations' commitment to continuous improvement in the prevention of accidents and ill health at work, looking at entrants' overarching health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.

Penri Cunnah, Head of Health & Safety at {my}dentist, said, "Winning the RoSPA Gold Medal is recognition of the continual dedication and hard work the team have put in over the last 9 years. To win one RoSPA Gold Award is great, but to win 9 consecutively clearly demonstrates a true commitment and focus – well done team!"   

Nyree Whitley, Chief Clinical Officer at {my}dentist, added, "Our Health & Safety team do a fabulous job protecting our staff and patients, and this 9th RoSPA Gold award recognises this. I am very proud of this fantastic achievement which is truly deserved."

Julia Small, RoSPA's Achievements Director, said: "Accidents at work and work-related ill health don't just have huge financial implications or cause major disruption – they significantly impact an individual's quality of life. That's why good safety performance deserves to be recognised and rewarded.

"We are thrilled that {my}dentist has won a RoSPA Award and would like to congratulate them on showing an unwavering commitment to keeping your employees, clients and customers safe from accidental harm and injury." 

For more information about the RoSPA Awards visit www.rospa.com/awards. To find your next role with {my}dentist click here.

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